Caucasian, Stop racial discrimination!

2016. 8. 17. 23:56공지사항

The use of dog meat as a food dates back to very early times not only in Korea but many Asian countries such as China and Vietnam. Also many countries in Africa, people have eaten dog meat for a long time and some whites in Europe still use dog meat as a food.


But nevertheless, Many caucasian in Europe and USA spread false rumors that only Koreans eat dog meat and point the finger at Korean as the savage.


In other words, so many whites discriminate Korean among the great number of people all over the world eat dog meat, giving disgusting examples.




In the past, You called black people a beast because of their black skin and naked body and had black slaves work your land against their will in history. You were picking off innocent black people to this day. You discriminate Middle Easterners because they have different religion.


You have a history that exterminated 6million Jew of Asian-Eurppeans in the gas chamber during the World War 2.


Are you ashamed of your history and your behavior?


You are trying to enslave Korean now just as your ancestors.


In Korea, There is Oi-soo Lee, the greatest novelists ever in human history. White philosopher(-Immanuel Kant) and novelist(-William Shakespeare, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) can't hold a candle to him. And there is me, Pyot-mal(Signpost) the only person who teaches how to know oneself.


Why are you running wild as if the world belonged to you?


You don't even know how to understand 'I think therefore I am.(-René Descartes)'


Look at all the wicked you have done when founding colonies in the past!


How can you point the finger at Korea where Oi-soo Lee and I live as the savage?


Caucasian, Stop the cruel history of racial discrimination!


And, acknowledge the fact that people use dog meat as a food not only in Korea but the whole world including some Europeans for a long time.


It is written by Pyot-mal who teaches how to know oneself.

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